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PXU District Evaluating Sophisticated Weapon Detection System At Two Schools

By on December 5, 2023 0 126Views

The Phoenix Union High School District (PXU) has implemented a trial of an advanced weapons detection system in two of its schools, with the purpose of discouraging anyone from bringing a firearm onto campus.

Maryvale High School has been a part of the pilot program for the last week, installing detectors that can identify specific weapons in order to keep their students safe.  New procedures have been implemented in the hopes of warding off a tragedy that has become all too common.

Board members, school staff, students and parents are all in agreement that safety should take precedence and so far are pleased with the extra layer of security.

The detectors are able to recognize the chemical composition of guns. The school district is also testing out and utilizing the system at Bostrom High in Phoenix.

The concern hits very close to home for the school. In September, the administration at Maryvale High School discovered that a student had a gun on campus, but only after the incident.

The district’s focus is to increase the safety of the learning environment, which they anticipate will have a positive effect on the attendance from the prior year.

This measure is not something that students have opposed. Students have been vocal about their sense of security, noting that the change is a positive one.

The school board will consider a long-term decision after the pilot program runs for a period of 10 to 12 weeks, all while looking to rollout the process into other schools in the district.