Releases 10 Most Popular Baby Names in Arizona in 2022

By on March 22, 2022 0 718Views

Choosing the perfect name for your child can be one of the most difficult decisions parents have to make. It is a very exciting time but being responsible for the naming of another human is intimidating. Many factors are involved when making the big decision that will create your child’s identity.

While most parents are confident in their naming decisions, many second guess their choices.

In a recent survey conducted by results found that nearly one fifth of parents in the U.K. would choose a different name for their child if they had the opportunity. The study found that 25% of the parents surveyed regretted their child’s name because it was “too commonly used.” 21% reported the name “just didn’t feel right.” today recently released the Most Popular Baby Names in Arizona for 2022. Based on Social Security Administration data on births and user interest on their website, a list of both boys and girls names were created for what is trending in Arizona.

For boys, Ezekial is a new popular name that made this year’s list. Six of Arizona’s top 10 boy’s names are also on the national top 10 list. The four names unique to Arizona are Mateo, Sebastian, Julian, and Ezekial.

For girls, Luna climbed from No. 10 to No. 4 and the very popular name of Mia fell from No. 4 to No. 7 in 2022. Nine of Arizona’s top 10 girl’s names are also on the national top 10 list. Camila is the only one name unique to Arizona.

10 Most Popular Names for Boys in Arizona in 2022

1. Liam
2. Noah
3. Mateo
4. Oliver
5. Elijah
6. Sebastian
7. Benjamin
8. Alexander
9. Julian
10. Ezekial

10 Most Popular Names for Girls in Arizona in 2022

1. Olivia
2. Emma
3. Sophia
4. Luna
5. Isabella
6. Camila
7. Mia
8. Amelia
9. Charlotte
10. Ava

Tips on choosing a baby name:

  1. Avoid passing trends.
  2. Remember that classic names don’t have to be boring.
  3. Take a look at your family tree.
  4. Honor your culture.
  5. Look up meanings.
  6. Contemplate all possible nicknames.
  7. Consider the importance of the middle name.
  8. Don’t forget about the initials.
  9. Don’t stress too much
  10. Say it out loud
  11. Give thought to the uniqueness.
  12. Check for multiple spellings.