Kaibab National Forest Christmas Tree Permits Go On Sale Thursday, October 12th

By on October 10, 2023 0 164Views

Christmas tree permits for the Kaibab National Forest will be available to purchase permits online only via Recreation.gov for each of its three ranger districts from Thursday, October 12, 2023 through Sunday, December 31, 2023 in order to allow members of the public to enjoy the popular holiday tradition of cutting one’s own tree in the forest.

Permitted tree cutting begins Wednesday, November 1, 2023 giving the public almost 4 weeks to get their permits before venturing out in to the forest to find that special holiday tree. Click here for details about designated cutting areas, dates and types of trees that may be cut.

The Forest Service has moved permit sales to Recreation.gov as an added convenience for visitors, and that no in-person (over-the-counter) permits will be issued.

To order an online permit via www.recreation.gov/tree-permits/kaibab an online account needs to be created and a small transaction fee will be applied.

The permit will allow the holder to cut up to 5 trees ($15 per tree) of any species that is not more than 10 feet in height within a designated area on the Kaibab National Forest from November 1 through December 31, 2023.

The permit is only good for a tree on the ranger district from which it was purchased and can’t be used to cut a tree on a different district. No refunds will be made, even if weather conditions prevent access to cutting areas.

Individuals who purchase permits will need to download a map either from this page or via recreation.gov showing designated cutting area along with additional tree cutting instructions.

District specific permit information:

North Kaibab Ranger District

Tusayan Ranger District

Williams Ranger District

The Kaibab National Forest also announced that all fourth graders are eligible for a free Christmas tree permit through the Every Kid Outdoors initia​tive. Every Kid Outdoors is a nationwide call to action to connect kids to nature. All fourth graders are eligible to receive an Every Kid Outdoors pass that allows free access to federal lands and waters across the country for a full year.

In support of this initiative, the Kaibab National Forest is making available a free Christmas tree permit to every interested fourth grader with an Every Kid Outdoors pass or paper voucher.

To acquire your free Christmas tree cutting permit get your voucher at  www.everykidoutdoors.gov then go to www.recreation.gov/tree-permits/kaibab for the details and permit.