Phoenix Police Rolls Out New Crime Reduction Plan

By on June 6, 2023 0 291Views

The Phoenix Police Department has developed a Crime Reduction Plan​ aimed at preventing and controlling criminal activity in Phoenix, while striving to enhance the quality of life for both the businesses and citizens.

Interim Police Chief Michael Sullivan directed his staff to come up with a plan that was victim centered and implemented solution-oriented policing, focusing on evidence-based practices.

The plan includes a strategy to focus on four priorities to prevent and control crime.

  • The most violent people
  • The most active areas
  • Prohibited possessors
  • Violent offenders with outstanding arrest warrants.

“The safety of the public is our number one priority. We are committed to addressing the issue of gun violence and other violent crime that has taken the lives of too many of our community members,” said Interim Phoenix Police Chief Michael Sullivan.

A key tenant of the crime plan is to continue to partner with our community, other city departments and prosecuting agencies to improve the overall safety and quality of life for our community members.

This overarching plan emphasizes a commitment to continual improvement and evaluation. Crime reduction tactics will be reviewed constantly to ensure the Department is implementing efficient innovative solutions that achieve the goals set forth.

“The partnership between police and community members must be rooted in confidence and trust. I will lead this department to become a self-assessing, self-correcting agency, which will lead to continuous improvement and strengthen community trust,” said Sullivan.

Working within this framework, each Precinct and Bureau Commander will develop an individualized custom action plan. The goal will be to reduce violent crime by 5% and property crime by 8%.

The success of the Crime Reduction Plan will take the work of all our employees, both sworn and professional staff, in all work units of the Department. It will also rely on the continued strengthening of the trusted relationship between law enforcement and the community

Click here to view the plan.