Phoenix Indian Center Collecting Donations To Help Navajo Members

By on May 12, 2020 0 639Views

The Phoenix Indian Center is collecting donations to help members of the Navajo Nation that have been affected by the coronavirus pandemic.

The nonprofit center is looking to collect supplies such as personal protective items, bottled water, baby essentials and non-perishable food items.

The items will be delivered in a semi-truck supplied courtesy of Phoenix Truck Driving Institute after it’s filled.

“The Navajo Nation is in crisis, and they need our help,” Patricia Hibbeler, CEO of the Phoenix Indian Center, said in a press release. “The suffering in Indian Country is just heartbreaking, and we urge anyone who can to please donate.”

Anyone who wants to donate items can do so at the center, located at 4520 N. Central Avenue, until Thursday.

The Navajo Nation has been affected heavily by COVID-19. A full list of items available for donation and drop-off times can be found below.

Immediate Community Items Needed

  • Baby necessities (formula, wipes, diapers, etc)
  • Water
  • Non-perishable food
  • Toiletries / personal hygiene supplies
  • Paper towels, toilet paper, tissue
  • Liquid hand soap for home use
  • Bleach and disinfectant cleansers
  • Cat & dog food, hay and livestock feed
  • Disposable masks and cloth/fabric masks
  • Non-perfumed hand sanitizer with greater than 60% ethanol alcohol or 70% isopropanol (No gels containing glitter please)

PPE Items Needed

  • Masks (N95, surgical/procedure, homemade) adult & child sizes
  • Gowns: isolation, surgical, & patient cover
  • Protective face shields / goggles / safety glasses that can be worn over glasses
  • Ventilators
  • Head & shoe covers

Other Medical Materials Needed

  • Non-latex gloves (nitrel); medical grade gloves
  • Disinfecting or alcohol wipes and sprays
  • Thermometers & disposable thermometers
  • Disposable stethoscopes
  • Nasal cannulas (all sizes)
  • Nasopharyngeal swabsDonations can be dropped off from now until Thursday, May 14, 2020.

Bring your donation to the Phoenix Indian Center at 4520 N Central Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85012 during one of the following times:

Monday 5/11 – Wednesday 5/13
9am – 12pm or 2pm – 4pm

Thursday 5/14 
9am – 12pm

Call (602) 264-6768 upon arrival. One of our team members will come down to unload your donation.

Click here learn how to help.