Holiday Season Shopping Tips

By on November 28, 2022 0 185Views

Holiday shopping season is upon us. As we race from one store and errand to the next, we may be a little distracted. Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich is reminding Arizonans to watch out for possible scams while shopping this holiday season.

“Scammers also see the holidays as a wonderful time of the year, and you never want to be on their list,” said Attorney General Mark Brnovich.  “Make responsible purchases and maintain the joy of the season.”

Attorney General Brnovich offers the following tips:

Do Your Research: 

  • Use a business/retailer that you know or trust.
  • Beware of unsolicited texts or emails that appear to be from a legitimate business, but want you to click a link.  Visit a website directly on your own and never from a link you have received.
  • Always use trusted websites with reliable track records.
  • Before making a purchase based on a social media ad or post, look into the company.  Use a search engine to visit the company’s actual website or to search the company’s name with “scam,” “complaint,” or “review” and see if the company has a track record of keeping its promises.

Pay a Smart Way: 

  • Use a credit card for purchases, if possible. Credit cards generally offer the most protection against fraud, including the right to dispute charges if there are problems with your purchase.
  • Money wire transfers, cash apps, cryptocurrency, and gift card payments should be considered the same as using cash.  Once you send the funds, it is difficult, if not nearly impossible, to get your money back.

Remain Vigilant: 

  • Beware of delivery scams.  These con artists pose as a delivery service and call or send a text message asking you to confirm your credit card number to pay for the delivery of a package.
  • Beware of phishing attempts. Legitimate businesses do not send emails claiming problems in order to lure consumers into revealing financial information.  If you receive such an email, call the business directly by searching online for the business’s website and using the number listed there.
  • Be safe in parking lots, have your keys ready and get into your car quickly and lock your car doors.
  • Do not leave purchases and bags in plain sight sitting in your car in a parking lot or your drive way.
  • Remember, if the sale or product sounds too good to be true, it probably is.