AZGFD Need Public’s Help Solving Poaching Case

By on September 5, 2023 0 188Views

Reward up to $1,500 available for information that leads to an arrest

The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) is asking for the public’s help to find the person(s) responsible for illegally killing an adult pronghorn antelope buck.

The headless body of the animal was found along Big Chino Road, northwest of the town of Paulden, within Game Management Unit (GMU) 19B, which was closed for pronghorn hunting at that time. AZGFD investigators believe the unlawful killing of the pronghorn happened between Aug. 21-24, 2023.

“Poachers are not hunters. They are criminals who steal from wildlife and Arizonans; this is the act of a poacher, not a lawful hunter”, says Darren Tucker, wildlife manager.

Arizona hunters and backcountry recreationists are often the best sources of leads for catching wildlife violators. If you saw anything suspicious near the area where the crime occurred or if you saw a post on social media around these dates, call our Operation Game Thief hotline at 1-800-352-0700 or visit and refer tocase number #23-002219.

Under the law, callers may remain anonymous if requested, and their confidentiality is protected. Money for rewards comes from criminal poaching fines, civil restitution by violators who commit wildlife crimes, and donations.