ADOT Observes National Teen Driver Safety Week 

By on October 18, 2022 0 314Views

The Arizona Department of Transportation joins traffic safety stakeholders across the country in recognizing National Teen Driver Safety Week (Oct. 16-22) and encouraging teens to make safe choices when driving. Nationally, car crashes are among the leading causes of death for teens. In 2021 in Arizona, 33 teen drivers died in vehicle collisions and 3,293 others suffered injuries, according to statewide crash reports.

These simple actions can help teen drivers – and drivers of any age – be safer on the roads:

  • Always wear a seat belt.
  • Don’t speed or drive recklessly.
  • Don’t drive distracted – put down the phone.
  • Don’t drive impaired or let impaired people get behind the wheel.

Teens preparing to apply for their instruction permit and the written test can study by reviewing the Arizona Driver License Manual and take practice tests on ADOT’s website before taking your instruction permit test online via Permit Test @ Home.

Once they have their permit, and want to test their driving skills, they can find many resources on ADOT’s website. The Arizona Department of Transportation Motor Vehicle Division (MVD) recently updated the road test for new drivers to enhance safety awareness for the new drivers so they are ready to safely join the millions of drivers on Arizona roads.

ADOT and the MVD makes these materials available for free as part of MVD’s mission to get you out of the line and safely on the road.