EPA Says Lysol Can Kill COVID-19 on Surfaces in 2 Minutes

By on July 10, 2020 0 917Views

The Environmental Protection Agency has announced that two Lysol products can kill COVID-19 on surfaces in just two minutes.

In a press release, the agency said that Lysol Disinfectant Spray and Lysol Disinfectant Max Cover Mist could effectively kill the coronavirus.

“EPA is committed to identifying new tools and providing accurate and up-to-date information to help the American public protect themselves and their families from the novel coronavirus,” said EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler in the release. “EPA’s review of products tested against this virus marks an important milestone in President Trump’s all of the government approach to fighting the spread of COVID-19.”

The agency said the Lysol products were the first products that had been reviewed by its laboratory testing data and approved label claims.

While there are more than 420 products on the list of disinfectants that the EPA says are strong enough to ward off “harder-to-kill” viruses than the novel coronavirus, the two Lysol products are the first to have been tested directly against the virus and proved effective.

Lysol said in a statement it is currently working on testing the efficacy of other disinfectant products against Covid-19.

The popular disinfectant cleaners flew off grocery store shelves at the height of the pandemic in March when Americans began hoarding cleaning products like disinfectant wipes and hand sanitizer.