Daylight Saving Time May Soon Be Permanent

By on March 21, 2022 0 595Views

On Tuesday, the U.S. Senate has passed a bill to make Daylight Saving Time permanent. If the legislation passes in the House and signed by President Biden, Americans will no longer have to change their clocks twice a year.

The Sunshine Protection Act is co-sponsored by Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla. and Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I.

“I know this is not the most important issue confronting America, but it’s one of those issues where there’s a lot of agreement,” Rubio said Tuesday.

The idea of Daylight Saving Time was first introduced by Benjamin Franklin in a 1784 essay titled “An Economical Project.” It was established in the U.S. over a century ago as a way to conserve energy and became a national standard in the 1960s.  The idea was that people would spend more time outside and less time inside with the lights on at night, conserving electricity.

Arizona and Hawaii are the only two states in the country that do not observe Daylight Saving Time. Daylight Saving Time began on Sunday and will last until November 6th.