Safety Tips For Thanksgiving Cooking

By on November 23, 2021 0 463Views
By Lauren Wong

As we gather with hearts full of gratitude this Thanksgiving, the aroma of all our favorite dishes making our stomachs growl in anticipation for our upcoming feast, remember to stay safe. Amidst the excitement buzzing through the air as we surround ourselves with loved ones and delicious food, it’s important to not forget all the safety precautions we follow year round.

With everyone becoming a chef on Thanksgiving Day, it’s not surprising that more fires occur on this day than any other day in the year. That being said, here are some tips to prevent that turkey from going up in flames.

Before the big day, double check your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors to make sure everythings working. When cooking, don’t leave any pans or dishes unattended. Anytime there’s an open flame, you should never walk away. Avoid wearing sleeves while cooking, or make sure that they’re tight fitting. You don’t want to accidentally dip your clothing into a flame or hot dish.

Always keep your pot handles turned inwards to avoid any bumping or spilling. Anything combustible like towels and pot holders should be kept away at a safe distance from all burners. Kids should never be allowed near hot surfaces, so do your best to keep them occupied and away from the kitchen.

If a fire breaks out on your stove, put a lid on the source and turn the flame off. Don’t try to throw water on it or use a fire extinguisher, and do not attempt to move the pan.

Ice and water when mixed with hot oil can cause a spark to ignite. Before cooking your turkey make sure it’s completely thawed out. If you fry your turkey be sure to add in the correct amount of oil, and use your fryer outdoors (unless it is raining or snowing). An 8 – 10 pound turkey is best for frying. If you own a grease-rated fire extinguisher keep it nearby.

The kitchen should be clear of any tripping hazards on the ground, put away knives when you’re not using them, and be cautious of any steam or oil splashing from pans that could cause burns. Don’t leave candles unattended, and make sure matches and electrical cords are up and away from any curious kids.

Follow these simple precautions to help ensure you have a safe Thanksgiving, plus being extra attentive to all your dishes will guarantee you and all your guests have a delicious meal to enjoy!