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Prices for Swimming Pool Chlorine Expected to Spike Amid National Shortage

By on April 19, 2021 0 768Views

Your backyard fun might be in jeopardy this summer due to a chlorine shortage. Pool experts are saying that chlorine might be hard to find soon.

Chlorine tablets used to treat swimming pools, is skyrocketing in price and could run out for some stores and pool technicians,causing pool owners to take a dive into deeper prices to obtain the needed chemical.

The demand for residential pools has shot up amid the pandemic and also due to a fire destroying a Louisiana factory which accounted for about 80 percent of the country’s supply.

The latest available statistic says approximately 33% of homes in Phoenix have a swimming pool, but most experts in the field say that total shot up in 2020 as more and more people spent more time at home due to quarantine.

Wilson Boyer, director of operations at A&M Corson’s Pool Supply says a 50 pound bucket of chlorine cost $109 at this time last year. Now it’s $159. Some pool experts say a bucket of chlorine could reach the cost of $200 more soon.

Retailers are working on importing chlorine tablets from foreign vendors in China and Europe to keep up with the demand, however customers should still brace themselves for the higher price tag. In addition, in an effort to make sure everyone has access to a supply of chlorine, most stores are limiting sales to one bucket per customer, per day.