GCU and UArizona to be COVID-19 Vaccine Sites

By on January 13, 2021 0 901Views

Two Arizona universities are preparing to become coronavirus vaccination sites as the state opens up the shots to more residents.

The University of Arizona and Grand Canyon University will become public points of dispensing — known as PODs — in their respective counties by next week.

UArizona’s pod in Pima County will open Jan. 22 and will aid with vaccinations for priority populations in Phase 1B of the county’s vaccine plan.

The university has also created a Vaccination Task Force in partnership with the county that is working on logistics for distribution.

“I want to thank the Pima County Health Department and the entire county administration for trusting us with this important partnership role,” UArizona President Robert C. Robbins said Monday in his weekly update.

Grand Canyon University’s POD will be at its commercial hub located at 27th Avenue and Camelback Road and is expected to go into operation sometime next week.

The GCU site will provide walk-through service by appointment for those who need public transportation or a shuttle in order to get vaccinated.

The POD is expected to help Maricopa County vaccinate those in the 1B priority group, who became eligible to receive the shots on Monday.

“We have invested heavily in the communities surrounding our university and this is another opportunity to serve those neighborhoods on the west side of town,” GCU President Brian Mueller said in a press release. “These are historic times and the endeavor mirrors the values and mission of GCU to care for those in our community. Our faculty, staff and students are very excited to support this effort.”

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