Local Fitness Instructor Spreads The Gospel While Training

By on November 10, 2020 0 930Views

Being and setting a positive example in today’s world can be hard, especially if you are too hard on yourself. God wants you to love yourself and be free from shame and guilt; and live with strength, energy, joy, peace & purpose. When we set our minds on the demonstration of God’s grace, and experience his grace through physical effort, the gym can become a spiritual training blueprint for a healthy heart, mind and body.

Revelation Wellness Studio wants you to get more out of your training. Revelation Wellness Studio use fitness as a tool to spread the Gospel. Not only will you have a thoughtful and effective instructor led workout, but you will also train your heart and Spirit.

Revelation Wellness HQ & Studio is home to a non-profit ministry dedicated to educating and inspiring people to live healthy and whole lives in Christ so we can love others well. In 2007, their ministry was started at Living Streams Church in Central Phoenix by providing “open to the community” fitness classes called Revelation Fitness. Their desire was to breathe fresh hope into the fitness world and provide a new way for people to meet together and grow in love for God and one another (Isaiah 43:19).

As the ministry has grown over the years, they are now home to a local fitness studio offering workout classes that take the focus off your physical body and train to strengthen and free your soul. What makes Revelation Fitness Classes different is that it’s NOT about the fitness. The workout is used to give space for the Holy Spirit to do the work. So you truly ‘work-out’ whatever needs to be worked – OUT.

This is not your ordinary strength and conditioning class, every 45 minute workout is taught by a Revelation Wellness Certified Instructor and is filled with TRUTH to train your hope and move you in God’s love. We get your heart rate up and link arms together as we spread the love of Jesus through fitness! It doesn’t matter what level you are, beginner to expert, our workouts can be tailored to our clients ability. Be encouraged by the word of God during this 45 minute class.

Members are challenged with a functional workout that will not only train your body, but also leave you feeling successful and ready for whatever the day or evening may throw at you. Training includes the use of bodyweight and various types of functional equipment to keep bodies moving through a challenging and fun strength and conditioning workout.

What Revelation Wellness Studio is doing to keep you and our staff safe during this time of Covid 19:

– All students and staff wear a mask to enter facility

– Classes are by appointment only as there is a limited number of spaces available.

– Doors open only in time for guests to check-in and go to designated spots that are 6’


– Staff and guests will have temperatures checked before entering the facility

– Touchless check in is done at the door by a staff member for all guests

– Classes are scheduled apart from each other to allow for ample time for sanitizing

(minimum of 15 minutes)

– Guests are encouraged to physically distance before, during and after class

– All class areas are designated with a marker and spaced 6 feet apart

– Equipment is sanitized between use

– Equipment is spaced 6 feet apart

– Sanitation stations are throughout and easily accessible for hand sanitizing and

equipment Cleaning before / during and after classes

– We ask that all guests bring their mats

– Staff will be wearing masks during class

– Staff who appear to have symptoms or who become ill while at work will immediately be separated from others and sent home

– All staff is trained on appropriate cleaning and disinfection, hand hygiene, and

respiratory etiquette

– All staff maintain more than 6 feet of separation from other individuals, when possible

Revelation Wellness Studio invites you to come experience a transformation from the inside out, and get results you never imagined possible. Go to the MINDBODY app or website to find a class and book an appointment. All classes are limited in size, up to 10 can work out per class.

Vision, Mission and Values Statement