Phoenix Herpetological Sanctuary Announces Snake Safety Alert

By on April 10, 2020 0 921Views

As Arizonans adjust their lives amid the COVID-19 outbreak, they are now also advised to be on alert for the dangers associated with native snake populations.

The Phoenix Herpetological Sanctuary announced a snake safety alert in a press release, reporting having received 20 requests for snake removal services in the prior four days.

Rising Valley temperatures have coincided with school and business closures due to the coronavirus outbreak, creating potentially dangerous scenarios for families spending more time at home — particularly those with small children.

The sanctuary warns that as snakes emerge from hibernation, there is now a greater risk for human contact as children are out of school and playing outside.

In the midst of the spring “snake season,” snakes — especially rattlesnakes — are known to be more dangerous than usual due to their hunger.

The sanctuary advises anyone who comes in contact with a snake to remain calm, give the reptile plenty of space and immediately contact a professional.

Residents can call the PHS snake hotline at 602-550-1090.

PHS charges $75 for snake removal.