Phoenix Voters Encouraged To Turn In Early Ballots

By on August 19, 2019 0 1163Views

Early ballots have been mailed to voters on the Permanent Early Voting List and to residents who requested them in advance for the August 27 city of Phoenix Special Election to vote on two city propositions. Voters who complete their ballot early are encouraged to return the ballot as soon as it is voted. Returning voted ballots as early as possible provides more time for signature verification and processing so that final results are available sooner.

Early ballots must be received by the City Clerk’s Office no later than 7 p.m. on Election Day, August 27. Voters who place their voted ballot in the mail should allow for delivery time for the ballot to arrive at the City Clerk’s Office by the deadline. It is recommended that voters mail their ballots at least six days before Election Day. Please note that a mailed ballot with a postmark of August 27 or earlier will not be counted if it is received by the City Clerk Department after 7 p.m. on Election Day.

Another option for voters is to drop off their voted early ballot in the signed affidavit envelope to the Clerk’s office in Phoenix City Hall, which is also serving as an in-person early voting location. The Clerk’s Office is located on the 15th floor of Phoenix City Hall, 200 W. Washington St., Phoenix, AZ, 85003 and is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Early ballots may also be dropped off during voting hours at any city voting center on Saturday, August 24, Monday August 26 or Election Day, Tuesday, August 27. For specific voting center locations and hours, please visit

For more information about the upcoming election, please contact the Phoenix City Clerk’s Office at 602-261-VOTE (8683), visit, use the 7-1-1 Relay System or follow us on Twitter.